"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 8
The first day of Wei Cai Wei’s rebirth: she needed to stop her man from castrating himself, leave his root, maybe she’ll need it in the future. The third day of Wei Cai Wei’s rebirth: she gave the man a knife, cut it, hurry up. Maybe there was some connection of the mind between them, Wang Dai Xia only felt a chill in his lower half, he shivered. Shuntian prefecture magistrate mudfish Wang saw the crowd outside the court was laughing more and more outrageously, he hit the gavel at once, “Silence! Silence! This is a court, this isn’t a play house, court is in recess! Close the doors!” The bailiffs outside the court dispersed the crowd, “It’s currently the fourth part of the first night period (around 8:30pm), go back home quickly! Curfew is at second night period (9pm), the fangmen 1 will be closed, you wouldn’t be able to return home even if you wanted to.” In the Ming dynasty, the night was split into five night periods, each period had five parts, each part was fourteen ...