"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 9
There was clearly nothing, but Chen Qianhu felt a pair of ironclad hands were firmly wrapped around his neck and was getting tighter. Chen Qianhu scratched at his neck with all his might, his nails caused several wounds on his neck. The subordinates hurriedly held his hands on the left and right side, lifting him up, finding the nearest medical clinic, kicking open the door, they dragged the doctor out from his home to treat Chen Qianhu. The doctor saw Chen Qianhu was delirious, paralysed on one side of his body, his throat seemed restricted and someone said his only heir of the fifth generation had been murdered, at first he thought he had a stroke from the shock, he used three needles to pierce the nei guan, shui gou and shier jing, the three acupuncture points to let out blood. After blood was let out, the doctor found the colour of the blood was wrong, it was black, indicating he was poisoned. Zhou xiaoqi who served Chen Qianhu in the yamen lowered his head in thought, “...