"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 10
Wei Cai Wei used the key manager Chen gave her to open Wang Da Xia’s lock, then she used her own key to open the other lock, then she pushed open the door to go home. Having been busy most of the day, Wei Cai Wei was too lazy to open the chests and tidy up her stuff, she cleaned herself first, feeling refreshed all over, she lit a mosquito-repellant incense in the courtyard, separating her damp hair she let it blow in the night wind. Outside was a young man pushing a wheelbarrow selling watermelons, Wei Cai Wei brought one, cutting in half, she used a spoon to eat it, scooping it out as dinner. Wei Cai Wei ate half a melon, the moon was as cool as water, gently shining on the stone table in the courtyard, she noticed there were notches on the stone table, holding a lantern she took a look, it was a tortoise, beside the tortoise there were some scribbles: “Wang Da Xia was here.” There was no need to guess, her damn husband had done this “masterpiece”, boasting he was a hero ...