
Showing posts from December, 2022

"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 13

 The first reaction Wang Da Xia had was the embroidered uniform guards wanted to arrest him, again? Didn’t I already prove my innocence? This isn’t right, how does the embroidered uniform guards know I’m hiding at the young widow’s home? Wei Cai Wei’s first thought was also that the embroidered uniform guards wanted to arrest her, however, she was already prepared, her confidence was watertight… Wei Cai Wei pointed at the back door in the courtyard saying quietly: “Quickly leave, don’t worry about me, it won’t be good if the embroidered uniform guards found out you stayed at mine last night.” That’s also correct, if the embroidered uniform guards came in to search the house, such a large living person as myself can’t be hidden. Wang Da Xia slipped away with the bundle on his back. Wei Cai Wei: Really...he can’t do anything right, apart from running away quickly. After Wang Da Xia left via the back door, Wei Cai Wei opened the door. When she opened the door, the embroidered uniform ...