
Showing posts from July, 2023

"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 16

 Wei Cai Wei pushed Wang Da Xia away. Wang Da Xia only felt a soft little fist hitting him in the chest, it didn’t hurt at all, this wasn’t the first time they’ve been in physical contact. Last night when he had slipped off the ladder, Wei Cai Wei had held his head and waist preventing him from disfiguring his face from the fall. A widow, disregarding her own reputation to save him.  Wang Da Xia concluded from this, the young widow still considered me as a substitute of her deceased husband Wang Erlang from the memorial tablet, last night she had not succeeded in being a pillow, hearing I want to go to Miss Ying Ying, she’s jealous, that’s why she pushed me. However I am the substitute of Wang Erlang, the young widow loves the house and its crow, so she wasn’t willing to push him hard, weakly reaching out her hand, it was like a tickle. This was also fine. Letting the young widow realise I’m not willing to be a substitute for her dead husband, she’ll give up sooner. That’s why...