
Showing posts from October, 2023

"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 19

 The Chen family were hypocrites, in order to conceal the truth, they chose a good fortune piece of land, burying He Qianhu and the He sisters together there, three gravestones were erected. The first few years they would send people to offer sacrifices on Qingming day, giving a performance for people to see, afterwards on seeing no one asked about the two He orphans, the Chen family didn’t even bother putting on an appearance, no one took care of the tomb, the grass on the burial mound were taller than people, it got to the extent that rabbits have made a burrow in the mound as their nest. Lu Ying command his subordinates to dig up the tomb and open the coffin that night to confirm that the He sisters had indeed passed away. Maybe young lady He who had been maltreated by her former fiancee noticed this, the first time the shovel hit the soil, thunder shook the sky followed by lightning, in an instant the night sky was lit up, even the slender fibres of the grass on the burial moun...