"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 31
Wang Da Xia thought he had found out the information about Ding Ru Kui because he had given them watermelon, but it wasn’t true, he didn’t know he was already a rising star in the embroidered uniform guards, Lu Ying had personally recruited him, the commander Lu Bing “respectfully” welcomed him, it was equal to being the “disciple of the emperor”, it was because of these two things that he could strut around the embroidered uniform guards. He had a favourable family background and was good looking as well as approachable, he didn’t have the attitude of someone being favoured, to find out about the prisoner he even bought everyone watermelon with his own money. He was sometimes careless, unreliable and unpleasant, but when it came to important things he was reliable, especially during that stormy night, Wang Da Xia had gotten the embroidered uniform guards to put down their shovels midway, forcing the study companion to personally dig resulting in a streak of lightning to strike t...