"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 33
Wang Da Xia’s brain was filled with money, everything was about money. Wei Cai Wei remembered when Wang Da Xia set up this “accidental encounter” at the altar tonight he had said Lu Bing had gone to the underground prison to see the convict Ding Ru Kui early this morning, ordering the jailors to set up an altar in the courtyard tonight. Just now they had “accidentally encountered” Ding Ru Kui, Ding Ru Kui had held a remarkably written thousand word speech and read it aloud as a eulogy, offering sacrifices to an old friend, she heard the eulogy was written for Wei Nan Shan and his wife. Ding Ru Kui had been locked underground for ten years, cut off from the rest of the world, of course he wasn’t aware Wei Nan Shan and his wife had passed away within a day of each other. So, the clever Wei Cai Wei guessed what Lu Bing had said to Ding Ru Kui this morning. Wei Nan Shan was just a retainer who looked after Ding Wu, Lu Bing wouldn’t have gone to find Ding Ru Kui for an insignificant p...