"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 37
After Lu Ying regained her consciousness, she still felt weak, she gave an order for her subordinates to carry out to separately check out the guests who had given false names and addresses at the tavern and look for a new suspect, there could be no mistakes. Lu Ying always made swift and decisive decisions, as soon as she gave the order, her subordinates turned out in full force, only Wang Da Xia who had just joined the embroidered uniform guards yesterday wasn’t given a task by Lu Ying, he was left at the yamen. Normally Wang Da Xia would be very happy: other people could brave the scorching sun and intense heat to investigate, he could do nothing and get money. However Wei Cai Wei and Lu Ying were alone together, he had been chased away, Wang Da Xia felt very sad…even without anything to do, even the fact he could just lie there and get money couldn’t make him happy, it was clear how hurt he was! Wang Da Xia had a lot on his mind, he had no appetite, he who could eat thr...