"Returning to Before Husband's Castration" 《回到老公自宫前》Chapter 24

 Why did Wei Cai Wei “go back on her word”, “walked right into a trap”?

Let us go back to an hour ago, Wei Cai Wei pushed Wang Da Xia’s letter through the gap in miss Ying Ying’s door, after a cup of tea’s time, the door was pushed open, it was actually miss Ying Ying who personally opened the door for her, “You’re the female doctor who rented Wang Dai Xia’s house?”

Not having seen her for three days, miss Ying Ying was still wearing black with a black head covering, washed clean of the splendour, without cosmetics, she didn’t even wear earrings.

Wei Cai Wei nodded, “Miss Ying Ying, can I enter?”

“Please.” Ying Ying opened the other half of the door making it easier for Wei Cai Wei and the horse to enter the courtyard, she said: “My surname is Jin, a single character name Ying, doctor Wei can call me miss Jin.”

Ying Ying was her name when she was at the brothel, now Jin Ying had already redeemed herself, whether it was her appearance or her name they were different from before.

The only thing that didn’t change was her beauty, she was so beautiful Wei Cai Wei wasn’t even jealous, she could only admire her.

“Many thanks miss Jin.” Wei Cai Wei pulled the horse into the courtyard.

Jin Ying looked at Wei Cai Wei in her green and red skirt with a crimson peony muslin on her head, she lightly laughed saying: “This was picked out by Wang Dai Xia? If he reincarnated into a woman, he would most likely wear all the gold and silver on him, afraid people wouldn’t be able to see him.”

She was right, her damn husband always had this preference, overwhelming with wealth, gorgeously dressed, intolerably vulgar.

Wei Cai Wei said: “That’s right, I need miss Jin’s help to change into a more plain outfit, I’m still in mourning, it’s not appropriate for me to wear such bright colours.”

Jin Ying said: “My height and yours are similar, if doctor Wei doesn’t mind, wear my clothes.”

Wei Cai Wei said thanks, entering the house to take off the red flowers and green willow, changing into plain cotton clothing, using a white thin silk to roll her hair up into a mourning bun.

Jin Ying said behind the screen: “I read the letter, Wang Da Xia said you’re in big trouble, you need to disguise yourself and leave the capital using a new household record, I have the right connections but it’ll require time, doctor Wei will have to stay here for three days, three days later when the household record is in your hands, I assist doctor out of the city.”

Wei Cai Wei returned to her widow appearance, she walked out from behind the screen, asking: “Why does miss Jin trust Wang Da Xia? I’m being watched by the embroidered uniform guards, miss Jin is willing to let me stay just from his letter, aren’t you afraid of inviting trouble on yourself?”

This was the true reason why Wei Cai Wei came to find Jin Ying, she was brisk, not wanting to guess and let her imagination go wild, adding more problems, wasting time, knowing someone by their reputation can't compare to meeting them in person, she might as well face her and speak clearly.

Jin Ying said: “I used to be Hongxiu brothel’s lead entertainer, when I reached the age for a man to take my virginity, the customers fell over each other in their eagerness to bid on me, or there were those who wanted to buy me and build me a magnificent house, only Wang Da Xia asked me if I wanted my freedom…”

Jin Ying smiled, her eyes shining like stars, “Only he knew I didn’t want to give my body to any man, he helped me out of a fire pit, everyone laughed at him as childish and ridiculous for saving a prostitute, we are good friends, now he needs help, I will definitely come to his aid.”

So it was like that!

However, Wei Cai Wei who had been reborn didn’t believe Jin Ying was one who would die for a good friend.

This is because in the previous life Wang Da Xia had castrated himself after coming across a calamity and a miss Jin Ying never lent a hand, after she and Wang Da Xia had married, he never mentioned this devastatingly beautiful woman.

It seems Wang Da Xia’s utter sincerity was for nothing in the end.

Wei Cai Wei didn’t trust Jin Ying.

She lied to Wang Da Xia that she would seek shelter with Jin Ying only to placate him.

Wei Cai Wei said: “The embroidered uniform guards have an inescapable net, a new household record won’t mean I can escape, Wang Da Xia is too young, too innocent, his thinking is much too simple, just now I was disturbed from hearing the embroidered uniform guards wanted to extort a confession under torture, so I was rather flusterd, now that I’ve calmed down, I am an innocent widow, why should I live the rest of my life running? A righteous person isn’t afraid of a shadow, I’m going to the embroidered uniform guards yamen to explain, that horse was stolen from the embroidered uniform guards by Wang Da Xia, I’ll trouble miss Jin to hide the horse, or at least change the horse’s colour to avoid discovery by the embroidered uniform guards, I’m sorry for troubling you.”

Wei Cai Wei said her goodbye, Jin Ying didn’t force her to stay, “If Wang Da Xia wasn’t this innocent, how could he have offered to help me and you? This is his shortcoming and his strength, he is young and frivolous, it’s normal that he doesn’t think about everything thoroughly.”

Wei Cai Wei didn’t trust Jin Ying like how Wang Da Xia didn’t trust the embroidered uniform guards.

This lifetime, Wei Cai Wei personally took revenge, she didn’t want to implicate Wang Da Xia, the forth day of her rebirth she had killed three times, efficiently eliminating her enemies.

Stopping Wang Da Xia from the extreme of castrating himself in the future was the only reason she took the risk of remaining in the capital after carrying out her revenge.

If she took the new household record and fled, Wang Da Xia will follow the previous path of castrating.

She had done so much, deliberately putting down her real name and address, fighting with the tavern keeper over the room charge, diligently going out to work each day and so on, it was to show the very opposite, making her look like a hardworking woman, earning money independently, making a name for herself as a female doctor in the capital.

Without evidence or witnesses, if the embroidered uniform guards wanted her to admit her crimes it wouldn’t be easy, besides, it wasn’t like she didn’t have a supporter…

That’s why, Wei Cai Wei “walked right into a trap”, pretending to be alarmed, she came to the embroidered uniform guards to beg Lu Ying, claiming to have been followed by someone.

Wei Cai Wei said: “...this common woman has a home she dare not return to, I’m scared the person following me will pick the lock and hurt this woman, I came to seek protection from Leader Lu.”

Lu Ying looked her up and down, “Since you didn’t go home, why aren’t you carrying your tiger palm or medicine bag?”

Wang Da Xia: Damn it! There with me! 

Wei Cai Wei continued with her lie without blinking: “There is a bearing ball in the tiger palm, it would make a noise even without turning it, the bag has been storing medicine all year round, there’s a smell of medicine, this woman worked hard to get rid of the person following me to come seek help from the embroidered uniform guards, I was afraid the sound and smell would give me away, I threw them away in the river along with my hat.”

Lu Ying asked: “How did you get rid of the person?”

There were four people in the room at this moment, Lu Bing was sat in the middle, Lu Ying below him, Wang Da Xia stood behind Lu Bing to protect himself, Wei Cai Wei stood facing the three of them.

Wang Da Xia mouthed “Female public bath”, taking advantage that Lu Bing and Lu Ying couldn’t see him, he used his finger to write three words on his chest.

It’s not clear if because they were husband and wife previously, Wei Cai Wei understood, she said: “Female public bath.”

Wang Da Xia again mouthed and gestured the word “money”, then reached out his palm to make a slash down the middle of his stomach, splitting his body into two parts.

Wei Cai Wei tacitly understood: “This common woman gave the boss of the public bath half a string of money, asking her to help.”

Wang Da Xia used his finger to point at the room behind.

Wei Cai Wei said: “The boss let me go out the backdoor.” 

This tacit understanding, there was no doubt that in their previous life they had spent thirty years sleeping on the same bed together.

Flawless, Wang Da Xia let out a breath.

Wang Da Xia covered up his nervousness by laughing, he simply poked through the paper window, “Indeed surging waters flooded the Dragon King temple, one family member does not recognise the other family member. There wasn’t a bad person following you, the person you met, actually is—”

Wang Da Xia deliberately dragged it out, looking at Lu Ying in ridicule.

Lu Ying felt embarrassed, he fiercely stared at him.

Wang Da Xia said: “It’s actually Leader Lu—”

Lu Ying clenched his fists, in his mind he had already pummeled Wang Da Xia’s dog head a hundred times!

Wang Da Xia: “---an embroidered uniform guard sent to secretly protect you.”

Ah? Lu Ying loosened his fists, he didn’t speak up to expose Wang Da Xia’s lie.

Lu Ying was young, he was sensitive and loved his reputation.

Even though Wang Da Xia lied, it was however to protect the embroidered uniform guard’s reputation.

“That—” Wei Cai Wei wrapped her arms around her waist, her fingers restlessly moving, “So I was a clever person who became the victim of my own ingenuity, I regarded my protector as a hoodlum, causing a false alarm.”

“But—” Wei Cai Wei looked distrustingly, “Leader Lu why did you send someone to protect me?”

This stumped Lu Ying, a lie needed to be supported by a countless number of lies!

Lu Ying however was an honest person, he wasn’t good at lying.

However being discredited in front of a young widow, Lu Ying wasn’t willing, thus he turned to look at Wang Da Xia, “You can explain to doctor Wei.”

After all speaking without thinking was your specialty.

This was the first time Lu Ying recognised Wang Da Xia had a skill. 
